Every year for about the last 10 years (10? Really? I think so) we have gone on a camping trip with our two favorite families. As the kids get older it gets more fun, and last year we added a rafting trip to the weekend. We did the same thing this past weekend except we had 2 rafts, a canoe and a kayak.

On arrival we tried to stop for dinner at a local diner, but it had the look of someone who ran out in the middle of a meal - the screen door was locked, but the inner door was open. The lights were off. The signs for burgers were displayed. It was like the people vanished in mid-sentence. Turns out there was a blackout from a storm on Friday. We arrived at the campsite hungry and unwilling and not ready to cook. Usually on the first night we buy dinner on the way, but this time I had to drop off the boys to set up the tent while I drove around to find sustenance in the form of very delicious Philly Cheese Steaks.

Our rafting/canoeing/kayaking trip was pretty eventful as it rained on us three times in the afternoon, once very very hard. The canoe with Stephen & Ryan capsized in a set of rapids, sending 11 year old Ryan into a bit of a panic. He did great, though, and we rescued him into our raft while Stephen got the canoe back up. I was most impressed with their waterproof bags, which kept all their snacks dry and snuggly. Max kept his head on straight and remembered the safety lesson we'd had last year in Canada while white water rafting where they told us to pull people out of the water by their vests, not their arms. I, of course, tried to pull Ryan's arm when Max stepped in and called me an idiot, and easily pulled Ryan up by his vest.

On Sunday we went to a secret, unmarked path to a waterfall and swimming hole. The rope swing was a big highlight, though Max and Slim were the only ones brave enough to climb the slippery rocks, and Max the only one willing to take the plunge.

Video of the rope swing. The loud horrible sound is the deafening waterfall in the background.
(Note: having trouble with the uploading; I will try again later)
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