So while I was waiting (too burned out to walk) I figured I would use that extra time to call the MTA and alert them to this problem with the naive hope that maybe someone will fix it and hire drivers that keep the schedule. A girl can dream. I asked a driver today if he was aware that the 5:30 bus never comes anymore and he mumbled something like "that guy can't seem to get his bus out of the depot."
I called 311 and pressed several 3's and 4's over the course of 10 minutes of waiting, pressing buttons and accidentally listening to how to press numbers in 20 languages, to get to the part specifically for "comments, praise or complaints about buses" when I was told by the woman answering the phone to hang up and call another number. I called that number and got a voicemail message telling me that the office was closed and I can complain on the website.
311 and MTA = FAIL.

you complain a lot.
Hitler is going to rape your ass when you go to hell.
i hear you're an awesome dick sucker. how's $1 sound? you can suck for a buck!
So mr Jew hater hiding behind anonymous login, how about letting me know why you are so angry with me but can't identify yourself?
Anonymous's 1, 2 and 3 - wow, what an awesome trio of losers you trolls are. Don't you have anything better to do with your useless lives than find blogs maintained by a woman, hide behind a cloak of anonymity, and post scurrilous comments that show your hatred of the female sex (probably because you can't get any)? What wastes of skin - can't imagine what you orcs actually look like. But I hope you like living in your parents' basements, since it's obvious none of you will be gainfully employed and viable members of the human race any time soon.
Oh and if you're one and the same moron, as I now see Jill seems to think, then you are even more loathesome than I first thought. Some accomplishment!
Wow. Jill - I'd say it's time to turn on comment moderation. Perhaps you found the M8 driver!
I am really annoyed at losing our express stop on 8th St. It is unclear if I get to transfer to a local on 14th St with my little piece of paper. That I can't use my metrocard on the "select" bus (orwellian language here, just call it an express) is absurd, but then, its our MTA that set up the system so a $2 fare can't be paid with 2 $1 bills. They really have the MTA set up so no one is really responsible, and I know Andy Cuomo isn't going to fix it.
To the angry and foulmouthed: It's a shame you have to revert to the language used here to express yourself. If you're that angry and upset take a minute to think of a way to engage rather than threaten and attack. You're trolling for trouble when you publicly assault in this manner. But if this seems the only option available you might want to think about counseling. Don't let your emotional state overrule good judgement and common decency and spill over into a public forum.
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