Thursday, January 07, 2010

It's a Russian Christmas

I will start here by telling you about our Russian Christmas celebration on Russian Christmas eve (last night), complete with two Russian nannies and one young Russian man that I never spoke to. And when I say "our celebration" I mean M who cooked up the whole plot along with all the food for an evening of delicacies including blinis, boiled cheese things (some of which had pennies inside, others salty, others sweet and the first three you ate were the prediction for the year to come), kasha, peas, caviar, garlic rye bread, chicken soup, borscht, smoked salmon and... well I can't remember what else, but it was a feast that never stopped.
But the real story here is the technology at the East Village mansion where we had the celebration. First, the blinis. They didn't turn out so well but what was extraordinary was that M had found three, count them, three, identical cast iron pans in which to make said blinis. Second, and most astonishing, was that the TV in said mansion was controlled via iPhone. Yes, the phone controlled the TV which also was the internet, and it was all quite magical.

Turns out that for me, Russian Christmas was also the first day of the next wave of technology.

Merry Russian Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love that you consider a phone controlled tv to be on the same technological plane a a trio of cast iron pans Jill...