Snow is overrated for Christmas. I much prefer the warm weather and sunshine. Not that I'd want to live in Florida, but visiting is always a great time. The
motel brother-in-law is quite nice, complete with pool, jacuzzi and private room with bath. No chaise lounges though and sadly the boat needed repair. Also, it was pretty cold until the last day. But still, it was sunny in my mind, and overall a very good week filled with too much food, lots of presents, sports on the big screen tv (no I don't care about the sports at all) and the most important thing, spend

ing time with my husband's truly wonderful family, and seeing my aunt and cousin, which is rare.
In summary: eating, opening gifts very slowly on xmas day, 15-mile bike ride in the
pedicure, eating, 2 movies (Walk the Line and Crash), a bunch of
Jackass, a bunch of large-screen football, basketball & hockey, some shopping,
ice cream where Max, Brad, Ali and her friend ate 24 scoops plus extras, cookies, eating some more, Max jumping in the pool with all his clothes, a soak in the jacuzzi,
The Bodies exhibit, the
Chihuly exhibit at The Fairchild, a day in
Naples and a bunch of time sitting next to the pool soaking in the vitamin D.
It's sad to be home, but glad the cats didn't kill each other in our absence. Happy new year everybody!
I saw the Chihuly stuff when it was at the New York Botanical Garden. I didn't particularly care for the use of color in some of the pieces. The loud, kind of ugly colors, made some the pieces look sort of tacky especially when viewed adjacent to natural things. it was also in late fall so the natural colors of the plants was seasonally diminished.
Maybe they worked better at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden with naturally louder tropical colors.
What did you think of the exhibit?
I really loved it, I love how the glass is so alien amongst the plants, but yet there is an amicable relationship at the same time. I also like how purely decorative it all is, without too much thinking or bigger conceptual reasoning going on. The videos on his website are pretty fascinating and the glass is so luscious. The ceiling at the Bellagio in Las Vegas is also pretty spectacular, which is where I first saw his work. Slim knew about him from Wisconsin where he studied.
"Slim knew about him from Wisconsin where he studied."
Yeah all those professional artists know one another I guess. :)
Looks like you had a great Christmas! That Chilhuhy stuff is really interesting - I love it at that Bellagio and saw another exhibit in Columbus last spring. Glad you got to see Carole too! Happy 2007!
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